ASHA Cooperative Offering Policy
Erin Walsh, Continuing Education Administrator
Policy Statement
All courses offered cooperatively meet the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Continuing Education Board (CEB) Requirements.
Purpose of Policy
- Educate the cooperative organization about ASHA CEB Requirements
- Articulate the responsibilities of the cooperative organization
- Notify entities seeking to conduct a cooperative course what is needed to make ASHA CEUs available for their course.
- ASHA CEU Sentence—a stand-alone sentence that must include the number of CEUs offered, the instructional level, and the content area.
- ASHA Approved CE Provider Brand Block—the clearly identifiable trademark of ASHA Continuing Education’s Approved Providers. The Brand Block is customized with the Approved Provider’s name and includes a specific, unique graphic image and the Approval Statement.
- ASHA Approved CE Provider—an educational institution awarded this status following demonstration of policies, procedures, and process for the design, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education programs/courses that are in alliance with ASHA CEB Requirements.
- ASHA CEB Requirements—specifications that define a proven model for developing effective and valuable continuing education and training programs. Requirements focus on how learning programs are developed, not what is covered; Requirements provide a framework of best practices.
- ASHA CEUs—the unit of measure for professional development credit hours earned (1 CEU=10 hours; 0.1 CEUs=1 hour) through courses offered by ASHA Approved CE Providers and awarded by the ASHA CEB.
- Cooperative CE course—a continuing education course offered jointly by an ASHA Approved CE Provider and a non-ASHA Approved CE Provider. Conducting a cooperative course with an ASHA Approved CE Provider is the only way a non-ASHA Approved CE Provider can offer a CE course for ASHA CEUs.
- Cooperative organization—an entity that is not an ASHA Approved CE Provider.
- Needs Assessment – (pg 33)
- Learning Outcomes –
- Evidenced-Based Education –
- Peer Review –
- ASHA CEU Sentence – (pg 121)
- CE Provider Brand Block –
- Course Offering Report Form –
- CEU Participant Form –
- Conflicts of Interest –
- Course content disclosure –
- Instructional personnel disclosure –
- Financial and in-kind disclosure –
- Managing exhibits and advertising –
- The cooperative organization agrees to abide by all ASHA CEB Requirements.
- Each potential cooperative course is examined on its individual merits. Endo Education reserves the right to decline a cooperative agreement with an organization despite willingness to comply with requirements.
- Endo Education is involved in the planning and development of the cooperative CE course. Erin Walsh, Endo Education CE Administrator, reviews and approves the following: needs assessment, learning outcomes, content of the educational activity, faculty selection, instructional personnel disclosures, and evaluation methodology.
- Materials are submitted to Erin Walsh 3 months in advance for live courses and 1 month in advance for independent studies/online coursework.
- Independent studies require peer review by 2 ASHA certified speech-language pathologists.
- All financial and in-kind support solicited on behalf of the course is disclosed Endo Education. This includes allocation, disbursement and budget reports. All updates will be submitted to Erin Walsh, Endo Education CE Administrator. The budget report includes names of organizations that provided financial and/or in-kind support, dollar amounts received from each organization, the monetary value and description of in-kind support received, how the money and in-kind support were used. As a condition of receiving financial and in-kind support, a cooperative organization is not required to accept advice or services from contributing organizations concerning planners, instructional personnel, learners, course content, planning, implementation, or evaluation. If payment for planners and instructional personnel is involved, it originates directly from the cooperative organization involved in course content development, not from other organization(s) providing financial or in-kind support for the CE course. The cooperative organization may use financial or in-kind support received from other organizations to pay for travel, lodging, and other expenses for learners. The cooperative organization manages disbursement of this assistance. The names of other organizations contributing financial and in-kind support are disclosed to learners prior to the beginning of the CE course.
- Erin Walsh, Endo Education CE Administrator, reviews and approves all materials associated with the cooperative course prior to advertising the availability of ASHA CEUs. Endo Education is clearly identified as the ASHA Approved CE Provider. All promotional materials are reviewed and approved by Erin Walsh prior to distribution and contain the ASHA Approved CE Brand Block and ASHA CEU Sentence.
- The responsibilities of the cooperative organization are outlined in the Cooperative Course Agreement. Endo Education will withdraw from any cooperative course if the cooperative organization fails to meet its obligation in the agreement or fails to comply with this policy.
- The cooperative organization agrees to ensure that only individuals who are eligible to earn ASHA CEUs are allowed to complete ASHA CEU Participant forms. The cooperative organization submits the following documentation to within 15 days following the learning event. A) Course Offering Reporting Form B) ASHA CE Participant forms, scanned into a single PDF document C) Course Evaluations, scanned into a single PDF document.
- Endo Education will maintain all information related to the course planning and registration for 7 years.
- ASHA CE charges $250 for the first cooperatively conducted course for ASHA CEUs. The fee is paid to Endo Education when the completed Cooperative Course Agreement is scanned and emailed. Endo Education charges a $100 processing fee for submitting the course to ASHA. These fees may be combined and remitted via PayPal (see link). Endo Education will then pay ASHA on your behalf.
- The same course content may be offered multiple times throughout the calendar year. For each additional date the course is conducted, a $50 fee is charged by ASHA CE. Endo Education imposes a $50 fee to process. These fees may be combined and processed via PayPal (see link). Endo Education remits payment to ASHA on your behalf.
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