Course Description
The intent of this course is to demonstrate common abnormal findings during laryngeal videostroboscopy and how to utilize descriptive language within your scope of practice for interpretation. Numerous report examples are provided where the following parameters are assessed: true vocal folds, free edges, false vocal folds, glottal closure, AB/AD movement, mucosal wave, phase symmetry, periodicity, arytenoids, vertical height, secretions. Case studies are briefly discussed to illustrate potential causes of the pathologies and how they were managed.
Time ordered agenda
15 min exams of common pathologies, 25 min exams with report examples of interpretation
Learning Objectives
1) Identify vocal fold lesions, vocal fold immobility and neurogenic conditions during laryngeal videostroboscopy.
2) Demonstrate proficiency interpreting normal and abnormal aspects of exam.
3) Verbalize common etiologies of pathologies and strategies for management.
Erin Walsh
Financial: Owner, Endo Education
Non-financial: Nothing to disclose